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The main publications arising from the research program are summarised in ACI’s legacy report, The unrealised potential of Victorian lignite: Exploring the net-zero research opportunities. Copies of individual final project reports can be accessed by clicking on the links in the table below.

Combined low-cost pretreatment of flue gas and capture of CO2 (coCAPco2)
Identification and monitoring of by-products generated from amine-based solvents
Solvent degradation during PCC
Carbon materials from Victorian lignite for CO2 capture
Options for net zero emissions hydrogen from Victorian lignite
Options for net zero emissions ammonia from Victorian lignite
Pre-combustion CO2 capture from a pilot gasifier
Latrobe Valley Post-Combustion Capture (LVPCC) Project – CO2CRC stream
Refinement of UNO MK 3 process
Latrobe Valley Post-Combustion Capture (LVPCC) Project – CSIRO stream
Evaluation of advanced PCC process and equipment with two advanced liquid absorbents
Combined low-cost pretreatment of flue gas and capture of CO2 (coCAPco)
Oxygen-blown gasification of Victorian lignite: Research and technology review
Background paper on solar conversion of lignite
Next generation lower emissions gasification systems R&D
Advanced lignite gasification
Development of entrained flow gasification technology with lignite
Lignite-derived syngas generation for use in higher value product processes
Development of oxy-blown entrained flow gasification with Victorian lignite
Lignite blending combustion and gasification
Victorian lignite to chemicals: Economics and technology status
Pilot-scale demonstration of hydrogen and CO2 separation membrane technology
Catalytic steam gasification and assessment of dimethyl ether synthesis
Options for production of low cost CO2-free hydrogen from Victorian lignite
Carbon fibres from Victorian lignite
Honeycomb activated carbon monolith technology
Blast furnace coke from Victorian lignite
Development of brown coal fly ash geopolymer concrete
The unrealised potential of Victorian lignite: Exploring the net-zero research opportunities
Net zero compatible uses for lignite
Improved handling of lignite and lignite derived products
Lignite drying status report
Coal derived soil additives for improving soil carbon and agricultural productivity
Lignite-derived amendments for improved pasture growth and soil health
Slow-release lignite-urea fertiliser
High value carbon nanomaterials from Australian lignite
Fabrication of carbon monoliths for capture of CO2
Evaluation of carbon monoliths for capture of CO2 by Electrical Swing Adsorption
Membrane processes for water recovery from lignite flue gases
Impact of impurities on performance of cellulose acetate membranes for CO2 separation
CO2 dispersion modelling
Carbon Capture Task Force
Opportunities for CO2 recycling in Victoria
Laser based O2 and CO monitoring
Advanced Materials Assessment
High efficiency power from Victorian lignite (DICE)
MRC-DICE Risk Review
Evaluation of Victorian lignite as fuel for DCFCs
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